DOM Analytical Lab Services

We provide analysis of seawater/freshwater samples using the High Temperature Combustion method on Shimadzu TOC-V or TOC-L systems for the determination of:

Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC): 25-100 µM Concentration Range
Total Dissolved Nitrogen (TDN): 2-48 µM Concentration Range

If your samples fall outside these ranges, please contact us so we can prepare an appropriate standard curve specific to your set.

Work Order and Payment Terms

Prior to submitting your samples please fill out a work order and we will contact you regarding when to ship. Include a copy of this work order in your sample shipment.

Submitting Samples

Please contact our lab by email immediately before a sample batch is being prepared for shipment. DOM samples which have already been acidified can ship at room temperature. If not acidified, samples need to be shipped frozen and the package should be sent by overnight express (Fed Ex). Please forward the tracking number via e-mail.

Sample List and Labeling

An itemized sample list should be included with your shipment. Samples should be clearly labeled with sequential sample number. If you are submitting >30 samples in total, please let us know how samples should be grouped on the TOC systems - we can fit up to ~36 samples per run, it is best to group experimental treatments and timepoints to a run where possible so please indicate this on your sample list if applicable.

Sample Collection & Packaging

Please see recommendations for sampling and storage of samples in our best practices document.
Briefly, DOM samples should be collected through a combusted GF/F filter directly into pre-combusted 40mL glass EPA vials with PTFE lined septa, or into acid cleaned plastic (HDPE) bottles. 40mL glass vials are preferred, extra handling costs will be incurred for samples which must be thawed and transferred into vials at UCSB. Samples should either be acidified, or be frozen immediately after collection and stored at -20°C. Please allow sufficient headspace when freezing for expansion of the sample without breaking the container. Glass vials should be individually protected and well padded overall to prevent breakage in shipment. We require a minimum sample volume of 15mL for each analysis.

Note: We do not accept samples containing any toxins or preservatives.


For questions and work requests please contact us at

 Work Order Request

Complete the form to request sample testing.

 Recharge Rates

Includes one-rerun, data processing, and quality control checks by a technician*.

New Rates effective 8/1/24:

UC Rate: $19.30
Non-UC Rate: $30

*Pricing is per sample/per analyte; DOC and TDN are run separately. You will receive a report of machine diagnostics with your dataset.

 Shipping Address

Carlson DOM Lab
Marine Science Institute
Bldg.520, Rm 4001 FL 4L
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150


See our best practices document for full details on the HTC method for determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in seawater. Please contact us at if you have any technical questions or feedback!