GO SHIP I08S (Blog Archive) Week 4

Finally, we have reached Station 01, and it’s time for us to get to work on the magic of science.

March 26, 2024
Vic Dina preparing filters for the collection of DOM
Vic Dina preparing filters for the collection of DOM

Most labs immediately run/analyze the samples they collect during casts, and therefore, they operate on a 12-hour on/off schedule. To manage that schedule, they work in teams with a counterpart who works the 12-hour off shift for a lab team member. In my case, though, I simply collect samples from each cast to be shipped home at the end of the cruise. This means I’m the only person in my lab and work closer to four hours on duty and 4-6 hours off (give or take). I start work whenever the CTD is returning to the surface by filling out my sample logs and vials and then preparing filters to collect samples in the surface region. The filters act to separate out our dissolved organic matter from the particulate organic matter. We only need these filters for samples collected in the upper 500 meters of the water column, however, these first few stations will be a bit shallower while were on the continental shelf of Antarctica so I’m preparing 5-6 filters accordingly.

Water being collected from a deep water niskin on the CTD
Water being collected from a deep water niskin on the CTD

Once the CTD/Rosette returns to the surface, it’s time for me to collect samples.

Poisining a full cast of samples with 4M HCL acid.
Poisining a full cast of samples with 4M HCL acid.

Back in the lab, it’s time to poison my samples and prepare them for shipment and analysis back on land. There is a multi-step protocol that I repeat with every sample to ensure that all samples are collected, prepared, and packaged for shipment identically. While this always seems straightforward, on this cruise, I have learned how little things like tape/adhesives work on samples vials and containers in frigid weather condition. One thing scientists must be good at is problem-solving obstacles that come up despite all the best preparation. This is made leaps and bounds easier with the extraordinarily well prepared and collaborative ship crew hosting us on our voyage.

Finally, it is time for me to wrap up my shift by maintaining an electronic log as a backup for my paper logs and writing blogs like these to keep people up to date with what I am doing! In my free time, there is a surplus of books in the library, crafts to be made, and an upcoming tournament amongst scientists beginning soon! So stay tuned!!