GO SHIP I08S (Blog Archive) Week 3
We continued our trek toward the Antarctic Circle, sailing through rougher seas over the last week. All on board had to hunker down inside the ship, and all-weather decks secured (i.e., no one was allowed outside). As we continued to pass through volatile seas, we rose each day to increasingly interesting restrictions to accommodate the cold and unpredictable conditions outside.

Laundry became questionable in the future.

Bungee cords are a necessity

Scientists spend a lot of time together in the library, which is well-stocked with a plethora of books, board games, and puzzles. There have been many card games taught, learned, and competitively played for bragging rights. Even Mario Kart has made an appearance in the labs for our entertainment purposes. Crochet projects and friendship strings abound, keeping bored minds busy creating new things to take home when this cruise is complete.

The fun moments are only interrupted when everyone scatters to take in the whisper of a marine mammal splashing around outside. These moments of witnessing amazing creatures of the sea are the highlights of shipboard life, such as we are experiencing.
That’s a look into the fun, team building, and camaraderie for this blog post. Soon enough, we will make it to our first station when the actual work begins, and these downtime moments will be appreciated that much more in hindsight.
Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into onboard life until next time.